
Although affirmations have been very popular over the last 20 years, the way in which most people practice them means they do not work. Why? Affirmations are generally used as a means of changing our beliefs. As such they have the effect of creating exactly the opposite result of what we had intended. For example, a person who is struggling with an illness might repeat the affirmation ‘I am strong, well and healthy’ over and over again.

The difficulty in affirming anything that is not consistent with how we presently feel is that the process actually bypasses the very seat of our power, our feelings. Then when we run to our thinking minds, we are simply bolstering the part of us that reinforces the very belief we are trying to override.

We often use affirmations to shore us up when we feel powerless in what we perceive as an unfriendly and unsupportive world. Sadly when our affirmations are practised at a mind level, we simply expand our own sense of powerlessness. Too often we look at our lives and ask how can I change this? What we should be asking is how can I live within this life, within these circumstances, in the highest possible way?

Feeling our true feelings, honestly and clearly, increases our feelings of power and in this way our world appears less threatening. This is the first step towards using affirmations in a way that is self-supportive. Make sure you choose only statements that reflect your highest power, not ‘wanting’ statements. Put together statements that inspire you. ‘The universe is safe, friendly and abundant’ or ‘I choose love above all else’. If your statement fills you only with peace and joy, you’re on a winner. If not, deal honestly with the feelings that arise and don’t be afraid to feel them fully till they finally evaporate and pass. Then construct another affirmation and work with it until you are totally at peace with the words. By affirming only the truth, you have the support of your whole heart. While you repeat loving, supportive words the energy of these words will fill you with loving supportive feelings.